Lyons Bancorp Appoints New Director and Readies Multifaceted Plan to Invest Tax Savings

The Board of Directors of Lyons Bancorp, Inc., the financial holding company for The Lyons National Bank, appointed Teresa Jackson as its newest director. Along with serving on the board of the holding company, Jackson is also a director of The Lyons National Bank and Lyons Realty Associates Corp., the Bank's wholly owned Real Estate Trust subsidiary.

Jackson is the owner of Dudley Poultry Company, located in Middlesex, New York. Dudley Poultry is a wholesale food distributor serving restaurants and grocery stores in Upstate New York. She is a graduate of Cornell School of Agriculture, holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Pomology.

Jackson purchased Dudley in 2001. Under her leadership and commitment to strategic planning, Dudley's product line has expanded extensively offering a greater single source supplier to Dudley's customer base. An entrepreneur, she owned several businesses prior to purchasing Dudley, including LawMail, a data base and mailing business serving bankruptcy attorneys across the U.S.

"Teresa's staunch dedication to strategic planning aligns very well with our dedication to that discipline. We believe strategic planning is essential and has been centric to our years of continued success and growth," said Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert A. Schick. "Her business acumen compliments that of our existing directors. We are very pleased Teresa has joined our Board."

Schick also noted the Bank is readying plans to effectively use the tax savings it will realize this year. "Obviously, our shareholders will reap some of the benefits of reduced corporate taxes. It is equally important, however, that our employees share in this benefit for they are the heart of our Bank and responsible for our growth and success. We also plan on investing in additional technology to improve our future efficiency, which in turn will allow us to continue growing. Specifics of the plan will be announced prior to the end of the first quarter."